The OpenMBEE tutorial will cover the vision and motivation for OpenMBEE, industry adoption, and current practices with example projects. It will also provide an insight for potential users and contributors about existing resources and challenges of the collaborative model-based engineering environment.

Presenters: Fatma Karagoz, Bryan Orozco

Tutorial Highlights:

OpenMBEE motivation and vision (FK, 20 min)

OpenMBEE MMS, VE, MDK, Jupyter Architecture Overview (FK, 5 min)

Current Status of OpenMBEE Projects (BO, 10 min)

OpenMBEE Project Portfolio (BO, 25 min)

View Editor

Cameo Model Development Kit

Model Management System

The Thirty Meter Telescope - an industrial scale project using OpenMBEE (FK, 15 mins)

Question/Discussion (15 min)