INCOSE 2023 IW OpenMBEE Workshop

INCOSE 2023 IW OpenMBEE Workshop

The OpenMBEE Workshop is returning to INCOSE IW! This year’s workshop will bring together members of the OpenMBEE community with presentations on SysML v2, future OpenMBEE developments, industry adoption, and much more.

As in recent years, the 2023 workshop is a joint collaboration between OpenMBEE/NumFOCUS and the INCOSE Digital Ecosystems Challenge Team (DECO) (which is part of the INCOSE MBSE Initiative).

Dates: Monday, January 30th from 10:30 AM to 5 PM and Tuesday, January 31st from 8 AM to 10 PM

Location: Torrance, CA in person and virtually

Organizing committee:

Aerospace Lead: @Karina Martinez

Sedaro Lead: @Robbie Robertson

LieberLieber Lead: @Daniel Siegl

JPL Lead: @Fatma Karagöz

Boeing Lead: @Lucas Aviles

Conference Website: INCOSE IW

Agenda: The OpenMBEE workshop will consist of presentations, talks and tutorials on Monday, followed by a vendor digital poster session on Tuesday morning.

Information about the poster session: The poster session will include an opportunity for interacting with various vendors and provide a platform for asking questions.

  • For poster presenters:

    • Both in-person and remote presenters, please provide your poster content to the organizing committee by Jan 20th, on the dedicated wiki-subpage for your organization. Additionally, vendors are encouraged to provide a meeting link/email address/OpenMBEE Slack channel to interact with the attendees throughout the dedicated poster session or afterwards, depending on each vendor’s preference.

    • Poster guidelines: We encourage posters to focus on capability descriptions.

      • Preferred size for display: 36” x 48” (for vendors displaying their posters in-person)

      • General recommendations: Viewers should be able to scan the content quickly, please be brief and concise. Consistent fonts and colors are also encouraged.

  • For poster session attendees: Posters will be available to all virtual and in-person participants on the OpenMBEE wiki page. The participants will be able to ask their questions in-person and virtually throughout the poster session.

this time:
Open Space sessions on Fish-Bowl on Monday to provide an interactive and creative forum for the community.
Submissions for the Open Space sessions can be done already before the conference. We will announce how you can do that.


Monday, January 30th (all times are PST) 10:30 - 17:30




Presentation Title


Presenter Bio



Presentation Title


Presenter Bio

10:30 AM - 10:40 AM


Organizing committee

Opening and Welcome

Overview of the Agenda and organization


10:40 AM - 11:10 AM


Ryan Noguchi


Establishing and Evolving the Digital Engineering Ecosystem: Beyond Tools and Technologies

The Digital Engineering Ecosystem is often perceived as primarily about tools and technologies, and certainly these are critically important for the implementation of Digital Engineering. However, the scope of the DE Ecosystem is much broader than tools and technologies, and addressing these multiple facets will be vital to achieve lasting success in making the digital transformation.

Ryan A. Noguchi is a Principal Engineer in the Architecture & Design Subdivision at The Aerospace Corporation. He is responsible for developing and applying disciplined system architecting methods, processes, tools, and models for a diverse set of government agencies and internal R&D projects. He has led multiple system, system of systems, and enterprise modeling pilot projects and advises government enterprise management organizations and system acquisition programs to guide their establishment of disciplined model-based systems engineering and digital engineering capabilities. He is an Object Management Group (OMG) Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP) SysML Model Builder—Advanced.

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Brittany Friedland & Heather Huang 


System Architecture @ Google Data Center 

Google has successfully implemented system architecture concepts within Google Data Center designs. By doing this, Google is changing the way the construction industry operated by adding modularity and integration concepts early in the design process. This presentation will review the system architecture concepts Google Data Center is implementing as well as going into realized benefits and challenges. 

Brittany Friedland currently works for Google as a Data Center Engineer deploying system engineering practices across Google Data Center. Previously, she worked for Boeing as a Systems Engineering associate technical fellow working to deploy model based systems engineering tools and processes. Brittany is an active member of INCOSE and the OpenMBEE community. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

Heather Huang works as Data Center System Engineer on system engineering for technology innovation/ integration for Google, previously she worked as Mechanical Engineer in the electric automotive industry. She graduated from the University of Michigan - Dearborn with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. 

11:30 AM -11:50 AM


@Karina Martinez & Trent Severson

Aerospace Corp

Modeling Tool Integration Plugins (MTIP)

Aerospace’s Modeling Tool Integration Plugins (MTIP) software enhances interoperability between Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Cameo Systems Modeler. The project is open sourced, opening up possibilities for external collaboration, contributions, and usage.

Karina Martinez is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at The Aerospace Corporation where she works in the Software Tools and Assurance Department as a software engineer. Karina has provided software expertise on several Model Based Systems Engineering projects across The Aerospace Corporation.

Trent Severson is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at The Aerospace Corporation where he works in the Systems Engineering Environment Development Section on several model-based systems engineering projects. Trent earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the California State University, Long Beach in Aerospace Engineering.

11:50 AM - 12:00 PM


@robert karban


Open Space Intro

Open Space concept and organization


12:00 - 13:00 PM


13:05 AM - 13:35 PM


Mark Blackburn


Overview of Digital Engineering Research for US Space Force

This presentation discusses our System Engineering Research Center (SERC) research for the US Space Force. We are extending prior research results from the US Navy (NAVAIR) to help them understand the “big picture” of Digital Engineering for program adoption. Like the NAVAIR Skyzer surrogate pilot, we are developing another new surrogate case study called “Spacer” using publicly available sources from FireSat/CubeSat, which align with Space Force programs. We discuss the modeling method for creating a “Full Stack” of models using the NAVAIR Systems Engineering Method (NAVSEM). The Spacer surrogate helps transition research methods and supports workforce development with a new Digital Engineering Bootcamp training course. The research efforts and training also use OpenMBEE to illustrate a practical approach for involving non-SysML/MBSE subject matter experts, permitting them to navigate the model information and use digital signoffs within OpenMBEE View Editor.

Mark R. Blackburn, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist with Stevens Institute of Technology and principal at KnowledgeBytes. Dr. Blackburn has been the Principal Investigator (PI) on 16 System Engineering Research Center (SERC) research tasks for the US Navy NAVAIR, US Army Armament Center and US Space Force. He was also PI on a FAA NextGen and National Institute of Standards and Technology projects and has received research funding from the National Science Foundation. He develops and teaches courses on Model-Based Systems Engineering and Ontologies for Engineering using System Technologies. He is a member of the SERC Research Council, OpenMBEE Leadership Team, and the Semantic Technologies for Systems Engineering initiative.

13:35 AM - 14:00 PM


Alek Przybylo


MMS Adapter – an MMS based service for data linking and synchronization

OpenMBEE provides a flexible open source platform for model collaboration and integration. Leveraging its schema agnostic capabilities as well as its modular service oriented architecture, MMS Adapter provides a staging area for automated model linking and synchronization. Following up on the IW2022 presentation on establishing a Digital Thread for MBSE and MBEE data, this presentation provides a progress report on newly developed capabilities based on the MMS architecture.

Alek has joined Boeing  in 2010 where he worked in various positions on PLM and MBSE capabilities. He specializes in Configuration Management, Data Integration and Analytics.

14:00 PM - 14:55 PM


Open Space/Unconference sessions

15:00-15:30 PM



15:35 - 16:00


Open Space Out-brief

16:05 PM - 16:50 PM


Fishbowl - @alejandrosalado@arizona.edu

16:50 PM - 17:00 PM

Wrap up


Monday, 30 (all times are PST) Afternoon - Times TBD







13:05 - 15:00



@Fatma Karagöz @Bryan Orozco


15:35 - 17:00


MTIP - Modeling Tool Integration Plugins

@Karina Martinez

Aerospace Corp


Tuesday, 31st (all times are PST) 8:00 - 10:00





8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Vendor Poster Sessions TBA


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