SE DSIG @ OMG Austin 2022
Expand on OpenMBEE’s novel Flexo architecture, which most notably covers the open-source Model Management System (MMS) for version-controlled storage and retrieval of models and model elements. The production “Execubots” architecture is widely in use today across the industry. With the Flexo architecture, our high-level objectives are to: (1) Leverage graph database technology for the storage, retrieval, and exchange of models & model elements, (2) Enable first-class semantics without prescribing an ontology (i.e., schema agnosticism), and (3) Build upon existing standards/interfaces for information exchange at all layers. Envisioning that this architecture as a modular set of microservices, built upon the RDF data model at the lowest levels, and enabling domain-specific interfaces at the higher (further abstracted) layers.
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