TMT Collaborator Document Migration - Status
Documents migrated:
TMT-APS Requirements Flow-down
TMT-APS Use Case Development
TMT-APS Use Cases
TMT-APS Analysis
TMT-APS L3 Requirements
TMT-SE Observation Workflow
TMT-SE How to Add a New Observatory Level Worflow
TMT-APS Model Information
TMT-APS M1CS Interface Control Document
Specific open issues
Document: TMT-APS Requirements Flow-down
View "L2 APS Requirements SE Working Notes" doesn't display all elements (only 10) in the exposed package "DRD APS"
but View "L2 APS Requirement Table" (91 elements) does, although the collect and filter actions in the VP queries are identical - only differ in which attributes to show.
Document: TMT-APS DDD
View "connection table" with VP "Table of Connections" fails with OCL error:
ERR: Unrecognized variable: (appliedStereotypeInstance) for OCL query "end.role.type.oclAsType(Class).member->select(y|y.appliedStereotypeInstance.classifier->any(x| = 'FlowProperty')->size() | issue explains what the new stereotype tags are.
they’re called taggedValue on the element directly.
the taggedValue.tagDefinition would replace definingFeature
taggedValue is basically like the slot
Document: TMT-APS L3 Requirements
Views "L3 APT Requirements SE Notes" and "L3 Empty Requirements" don't display all elements in the exposed packages
See diagram mdel://67017052-f970-4847-bd36-5fadb900a360?projectID=twcloud%3A%2F8cf5a749-c7b8-4c8f-bc0f-bf25f55b3280%2F4797c889-d159-4276-b829-ee3582029be6&serverType=esiserver&projectBranch=trunk&
General open issues
Cross-references to other views are not resolved as hyperlinks to chapters within the documents but just as hyperlinks to model elements