Flexo SysMLv2
SysMLv2 models in RDF
OpenMBEE is leading the standardization effort to represent SysMLv2 models in RDF. With a standard defined, models and model elements can be stored, dereferenced, and exchanged across tools in a consistent manner.
Flexo microservice for SysMLv2
OpenMBEE is also developing a Flexo microservice that implements the SysMLv2 API and Services. This microservice adapts the SysMLv2 REST APIs to the Flexo MMS architecture. It allows models to be persisted and version controlled in a multi-tenant Flexo instance, where they can additionally be queried using any of the supported query methods including SPARQL and GraphQL. The microservice is responsible for transforming model elements from JSON to RDF and back as necessary, and translating SysML versioning requests to MMS versioning requests.
Development Roadmap
SysMLv2 RDF ontology based on ecore model
Transformation rules mapping SysMLv2 JSON to RDF and vice versa
Extension to the View Service Vocabulary for SysMLv2 views
Flexo microservice for storing, updating, and querying versioned models