OpenMBEE Architecture


Flexo Architecture



The GiT for Graphs: Model Development Environments, Model Development Kits, Modeling Languages.

Flexo Features, Functions, Affordances and User Stories

  • Git for Graphs and models

    • Immutable versioning for graphs and models

    • Branch diff and merge for graphs and models

    • ID-based cross references and textual/source representations

  • Model Development Kits, Model Exchange and Packaging

    • IDE and MDK

    • Jupyter IDE and MDK

    • MBSE IDE and MDK

    • Julia for SysML

    • Python for SysML

  • Modeling Languages and Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML)

    • SysML (v2) Models and Libraries

    • UML/SysML Models and Libraries

    • OWL and OML Models and Libraries

    • DSMLs and Services with OWL, KerML

  • Query Languages

    • GraphQL Service

      • GraphQL for SysML (v2)

    • SPARQL Service

      • SPARQL for SysML (v2)

    • Cross version query access

  • View and Document Generation

  • APIs, Model Web Service Integration and App Development

  • Software Architecture and Technology

  • Standards and Sources

  • Key Changes in Feature Direction: Flexo vs Executbots