MTIP - Modeling Tool Integration Plugin

MTIP - Modeling Tool Integration Plugin

This plug-in allows exporting and importing of entire models or a portion of a model to a HUDS XML format.

The current XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) specification is based on UML and is insufficient for transferring SysML models between commercial tools.

This plug-in is developed for Cameo Systems Modeler (CSM)and MagicDraw (MD), a Dassault Systemes software and Sparx System's Enterprise Architect can import and export this same format allowing for round-trip transferring of models.

Schema description

HUDS XML Description




Cameo MTIP

GitHub - Open-MBEE/mtip-cameo

mtip-cameo/README.md at master · Open-MBEE/mtip-cameo

Sparx MTIP

GitHub - Open-MBEE/mtip-sparx

mtip-sparx/README.md at master · Open-MBEE/mtip-sparx


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