Executable Systems Engineering Method (ESEM) - DRAFT

Executable Systems Engineering Method (ESEM) - DRAFT

Executable System Engineering Method which automates requirements qualifications (e.g. power and mass budget margins and duration analysis of operational modes) using executable models such as SysML or Modelica. The particular value proposition is to integrate requirements, and executable behavior and performance models for certain types of system level analysis. The models are created with modeling patterns that involve structural, behavioral and parametric aspects.

The Executable Systems Engineering Method, a refinement of OOSEM, introduces the next phase of system modeling emphasizing executable models to enhance understanding, precision, and qualification of requirements.

ESEM enables systems analysis by carrying out quantitative assessments of systems in order to select and/or update the most efficient system architecture and to generate derived engineering data. System analysis provides a rigorous approach to technical decision-making. It is used to perform trade studies, and includes modeling and simulation, cost analysis, technical risks analysis, and effectiveness analysis. In particular, it supports requirements verification, which is a kind of systems analysis assessing whether a system design meets the objectives and satisfies the constraints that are levied by the system requirements.







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