English Wikipedia - Information Gathering
The Open Model-Based Engineering Environment (OpenMBEE) is an open community that is focused around developing and creating open source software for model based engineering tasks. The goal of the community is to create an integrated environment for engineering to support modeling, analysis and collaboration between engineers [1]. Such environments are designed to serve multiple modeling languages (eg SysML) as well as a variety of techniques for model checking, simulation and document generation with all data being stored in a centralized system model [3]. OpenMBEE also has Web Services for integrating models and building Web Applications that use those models [7]. Some of these services, like the View Editor (see the components section), have the ability to make web-based technical documents from cross-referenced information stored directly in the underlying engineering models [3]. This allows engineers to use model information in a way that can be analyzed as well as consumed in formal technical human formats [3]. It also enables engineers to work in the language of their choice and easily share and document their work across other tools [6]. For example, the Model Management System (MMS), developed by the community, can be used to store engineering models that can be accessed from SysML desktop clients like MagicDraw, light-weight web-based clients like View Editor, mathematical computation programs like Mathematica, and is open to other tools via RESTful web services [6]. Additionally it provides infrastructure for versioning, workflow management, and access control. [10]
OpenMBEE has a variety of open source projects and open source models that have been developed by the community [7]. These range from standalone software like the MMS to plugins or extensions for commercial tools like MagicDraw etc [3]. OpenMBEE software is licensed under Apache 2.0 or another compatible open source license [7].
OpenSE Cookbook
The OpenSE Cookbook is a collection of modeling patterns, procedures and best practices put forth by the OpenMBEE community for systems engineers looking for guidance on how to implement MBSE in their projects or organizations [9]. The content of the cookbook demonstrates how to build and analyze system models using OpenMBEE software including examples from both small educational models and the Thirty-Meter-Telescope (TMT) [link] model. These examples represent implementations of systems engineering workflows such as how to verify requirements, roll-up technical resources, and analysis. The best practices presented are taken from the existing SysML literature [1]. The original version of the cookbook can be found here. It was created by the INCOSE Telescope Modeling Challenge Team then later adapted by the OpenMBEE community [1].
The Model Management System (MMS)
The MMS provides services for managing models and is a version control system for structured data. It employs RESTful web services that can be used for CRUD operations, branching, and tagging of the model repository. This allows model data to be queried, analyzed and displayed with multi-tool and multi-repository integration across engineering, computing, and management disciplines. [10].
The heart of the MMS is the View Service which supports the transclusion features of Views [1]. The concepts of view and viewpoint, as defined in ISO-42010, exist to provide a model of the information to be presented to address stakeholders’ concerns by focusing on how the information in a model is used [3]. The community implemented DocGen [link] to allow for generation of both static and dynamic, human readable engineering documents directly from the the model data stored in the MMS.
The View Editor (VE)
The View Editor is a light weight web client designed by the community to display the aforementioned dynamic engineering documents. It provides a way to interact with SysML models within a web-based environment via the MMS REST API and allows users to create, read, and update model elements, including Documents and Views. This provides direct access to model data outside of any modeling tool (like Cameo Systems Modeler) which opens up for more efficient collaboration with engineers or management that are non-modelers [4]. According to [6], the benefit over a traditional document-based approach is that currently disconnected artifacts become related in the model, enabling the production of consistent model-based documentation.
View Editor works in conjunction with the various Model Development Kits so data in different modeling tools can be shown in a primarily narrative format on the web without losing the connection to the data sources. In addition, View Editor allows presentation elements such as text fields, tables, videos or iframes [link] to be added directly via the web interface [3].
Model Development Kits (MDKs)
Model Development Kits are tool-specific integrations that's primary purposes are to sync models with the MMS. They are used to interact with both SysML modeling tools like MagicDraw and computational analysis tools like Mathematica [6]. These connections between tools allow the MMS to serve as the authoritative source of truth for the model while engineers carry out their modeling and analysis in the tool of their choice [3].
Cameo MDK
The Cameo MDK (formerly MagicDraw MDK) is a plugin for Cameo Systems Modeler that allows users to synchronize models with the MMS and generate documents and views using queries and viewpoint patterns [5].
Jupyter MDK
The Jupyter MDK couples the MMS’s element based storage and versioning with Jupyter notebooks enabling Python REST client libraries to be used to interact with and present model data [1].
Other MDKs
Some other MDKs include:
Mathematica [link] MDK
Cameo MDK Systems Reasoner for Cameo Systems Modeler [link]
Cameo MDK Expression for Cameo Systems Modeler
Comodo is a tool that can transform a UML model into different text artifacts that can be used for different platforms. Based on Xpand/Xtend [link], it is not tool-dependent and can be used to create new text artifacts based on custom templates. The toolkit has been developed by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to build Telescope and Instrument control and supervisor applications for different software platforms [1].
Thirty Meter Telescope
The Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory [link], a project by the TMT Observatory Corporation, has been using MMS, VE, and MDKs for creating engineering documentation from executable SysML models. The TMT SysML model is an industrial scale application of OpenMBEE and system-level behavior simulation [6]. It is built with an approach to model-based systems analysis with SysML that is both rigorous and automated. The rigor is established with a modeling method that is an extension of INCOSE’s Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) [1].
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
NAVAIR is using SysML together with OpenMBEE as an authoritative source of truth (AST) as part of a study to move to a more holistic, model-based systems engineering approach centered on an evolving system model [4]. More specifically, NAVAIR is using MMS, VE, and MDKs for its NAVAIR surrogate pilot project for sign-off handling of documents [4].
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) Flight Projects
The MMS, VE, MDKs and other OpenMBEE software are being used on a number of JPL flight projects such as:
Europa Clipper
Europa Lander
Mars Sample Return
Asteroid Redirect Retrieval Mission [8] [11]
Other Organizations
Other companies/organizations that utilize OpenMBEE are:
Object Management Group (OMG)
ESO [8] [11]
[1] OpenMBEE site
[3] AST Paper https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050919307392?via%3Dihub
[4] CSIAC View and Viewpoint Based Digital Signoff Using OpenMBEE as an Authoritative Source of Truth - CSIAC
[5] Boeing Presentation - Boeing Presentation
[6] SEBOK - Applying a Model-Based Approach to Support Requirements Analysis on the Thirty-Meter Telescope - SEBoK
[7] OpenMBEE GitHub - OpenMBEE
[8] JPL Systems Environment Presentation https://trs.jpl.nasa.gov/handle/2014/50097?show=full
[9] OpenSE Cookbook Paper https://www.omgsysml.org/The_OpenSE_Cookbook-SPIE-2018-Karban-et-al.pdf
[10] ESEM and OpenMBEE supporting the SE Lifecycle Change Process –
TMT Case Study https://www.omgwiki.org/MBSE/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=mbse:tmt_mbse_workshop-2017-04-06.pdf
[11] Connected info https://trs.jpl.nasa.gov/handle/2014/53808
Other info
Orignial cookbook link
Towards boosting the OpenMBEE platform with model-code consistency https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3417990.3421409
Assisted authoring of model-based systems engineering documents https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3417990.3421406
Notes/random info (not going on page)
Guidelines links
OpenMBEE is an open community built around an open source Model-Based Engineering Environment. he concept is to create an integrated environment for engineering that is driven around connected models. Such environments inherently serve multiple modeling languages as well as a variety of techniques for model checking, simulation, document generation etc. The core concept is to use transclusion technology to create unified technical information with an authoritative source.
OpenMBEE is a software environment built to support Engineering Modeling and Analysis in a collaborative large-scale context.
provides Web Services and for integrating models and building Web Applications that use those models
the ability to make web-based technical documents with cross-referenced information made common by the underlying engineering models
Like software code configuration management, versioning and organization are required. However, for descriptive models written in modeling languages for large systems, it is important to provide this information in a way that can be analyzed as well as consumed in formal technical human formats.
It enables engineers to work in the language of their choice and easily share and document their work across other tools.
provides a platform for modeling that utilizes the Model Management System (MMS) that can be accessed from rich SysML desktop clients like MagicDraw, light-weight web-based client like View Editor, mathematical computation programs like Mathematica, and any other tool that can utilize RESTful web services.
It provides infrastructure for versioning, workflow management, and access control
intro: OpenMBEE has a variety of open source projects supporting this pursuit as well as contributed open source models
includes plugins or extensions for commercial tools
OpenMBEE software is licensed under Apache 2.0 or another compatible open source license
cookbook - The Open MBEE Cookbooks in particular,
demonstrates how to build and analyze system models using OpenMBEE as applied to educational examples as well as actual usages in the TMT production model.
provides a consistent, comprehensive, detailed, and background-agnostic set of operational procedures to guide practitioners through MBSE.
represents an implementation of what such literature [existing SysML literature] often refers to as best practices or organization-specific procedures
demonstrate the ability to provide reusable descriptive models to facilitate an open collaborative process for engineering development
captures best practices, lessons learned, and provides guidance on how to use languages and tools to perform a certain engineering task
Systems engineering workflows drive each of the pattern definitions, such as how to verify requirements, roll-up technical resources, and analysis
OpenSE Cookbook paper provides an in-depth overview.
history: The orginal version of the cookbook can be found here. It was created by the INCOSE Telescope Modeling Challenge Team
MDKs - Model Development Kits (MDKs) are
tool-specific integrations that's primary purposes are to sync models with the MMS and
implement the DocGen language, which allows modelers to dynamically generate documents in a model-based approach using the view and viewpoint concept.
MDK architecture provides a means to integrate with modeling and analysis tools uniting the best of all worlds
MMS - is a
provide services for managing models and is a version control system for structured data
RESTful web services that can be used for CRUD operations, branching, and tagging of the model repository.
This heart of the MMS is the View Service which supports the transclusion features of Views.
VE - enables users to
interact with SysML models within a web-based environment.
MMS REST API to provide a web environment to create, read, and update model elements, including Documents and Views.
works in conjunction with the various Model Development Kits so data in different modeling tools can be shown in a primarily narrative format on the web without losing the connection to the data sources
commodo find cite
ESO Very Large Telescope
Very Large Telescope Interferometer
Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) (ESO model libraries for instrumentation have been used on the ELT project for design and implementation of the instrument control system.)
JPL flight projects such as
Europa Clipper,
Europa Lander,
Mars Sample Return, and
Asteroid Redirect Retrieval Mission,
The Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory has been using MMS, VE, and MDKs for creating engineering documentation from executable SysML models.
The TMT SysML model - industrial scale application of OpenMBEE and system-level behavior simulation
built with an approach to model-based systems analysis with SysML that is both rigorous and automated
rigor is established with a modeling method that is an extension of INCOSE’s Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)
SERC used MMS, VE, and MDKs for its NAVAIR surrogate pilot project for sign-off handling of documents.
The Open MBEE software originated at NASA JPL and the European Southern Observatory. It provides a Model Repository called the Model Management System (MMS), a web application called View Editor and a Code Generator called COMODO.
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Write up
CSIAC and AST paper equivalent