Moving Cameo Collaborator documents across TWC servers

Moving Cameo Collaborator documents across TWC servers

Saving project as local .mdzip will trigger MD migration. The tag values will be replaced with local element ids (except for document).





Adding it to server, will triger replacement again. Tags will get server element ids.





So the challenge will be documentId and siblingId


So, to recap:

  • Publish a new document with the same template as the original

  • create a paragraph element on web app, commit to TWC, update project in client

  • In containment tree, under the model,  you should now have package which has the same name as the new collaborator document.

  • It should have <<CollaboratorDocument>> stereotype applied.

    • Open specification window of that element -> Tags

    • <<CollaboratorDocument>> -> id

      • Value of original document should be changed to document.id#document.branch.id – this is how document knows where to store its elements (comments/paragraphs)

  • delete new document

  • <<CollaboratorDocument>> will have elements package – inside will be comment elements with <<CollaboratorParagraph>> stereotype

    • Open specification those comments -> Tags

    • <<CollaboratorParagraph>> ->

      • documentId = should be changed with the new one

      • siblingId – this id says the order of paragraph in section. It will require manual adjustment.

  • republish new document with option “update existing document”

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