OpenMBEE is a half-day workshop held as part of MODELS 2021. The OpenMBEE Workshop aims to share
experiences of developing and operating Model-Based Engineering Environ-ments (MBEEs)
how new and existing technologies support MBEEs
how SysMLv2 emerging into the multi-language paradigm and API standard drives MBEEs
challenges and requirements of MBEEs
Human-Centered Design approaches to improve usability and effectiveness of MBEEs
A primary objective of the OpenMBEE workshop is to provide a forum in which researchers, vendors, and practitioners come together and share requirements, needs, pain points, and solutions.
The workshop will be highly interactive to achieve this goal. A significant portion of the workshop’s time is reserved for focused discussions.
Assuming a sufficient number of high-quality submissions are received, OpenMBEE is envisioned to be a workshop consisting of:
One keynote
One invited presentation on a topic related to the workshop by suitable speakers from academia or industry.
“lightning talks” on a topic related to OpenMBEE that will jump-start the discussions