

Submissions on EasyChair

Scope and Topics

In order to discuss the following topics and those related to them, we would like to invite submissions in the form of regular papers, position/experience papers, and demonstration papers (about novel tool or technology features) related to the follow-ing or related topics:

  1. Insightful descriptions of the state-of-the-art in MBEE applications and services

  2. Proposals and descriptions for dealing with relevant challenges such as

    • Collaboration/Capture; e.g. Mapping, Deconfliction, Discovery

      • Interdisciplinary integration

      • Interorganizational federation and decentralization

      • Role and view management

      • Web-native application, services, collaboration, and versioning, liveness

      • Model (library) packaging and dependency management

    • Requirements/Design; e.g. Design Modeling, System Specifications and configurations

    • Analysis; e.g. simulation, model checking, visualization

      • o Continuous integration and analysis

    • Publication; e.g. Products, Documents

      • Document generation, storing analysis artifacts

    • Operation; e.g. DevOps, cyber security, access control, multi-tenancy, migration support, interoperability, cloud deployment

    • Application domains; e.g., Systems Engineering, Industry 4.0, robotics, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, smart cities

    • Relevant technological existing or emerging capabilities

      • Versioned graphs, model checking services, AI, analytics, data science, cloud computing, projectional editing

      • Active repository. Storing arbitrary models as graphs, more specifically trees with cross-references.

      • Big Data techniques, e.g., Extract, transform, load (ETL), distributed computing, scalability

      • NLP, Insights, ML, knowledge, transformation of unstructured into structured data, heuristics, weave and maintain semantic mappings

    • Tool and platform integration

  3. Proposals on how to better leverage relevant standards e.g., SysMLv2 language and SysMLv2 API, FMI, Conda, OpenAPI, OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF), Open Services for Lifecycle Collabo-ration (OSLC), Open Container Initiative

  4. Proposals and descriptions of integrating existing engineering platforms and open-source resources into a model based environment; e.g., Project Jupyter, engi-neering documents generation into/by Jupyter


The workshop defines an MBEE as a system environment which facilitates a formalized application of (systems) engineering by leveraging models where engineers can develop their system models for qualification and certification across a portfolio of engineering tools in multiple paradigms. Tools forming the MBEE can come from industry or academia and be freely available, open source, or commercial.

Submissions should fall into one of four categories:

  1. Research transfer into practice: Describe how practitioners' needs (see ‘ Topics of Interest) drives a research project, how it is developed into a COTS or open-source product, and used in a MBEE for system development.

  2. Comparisons and evaluations of MBEEs: Describe the MBEE compared or evaluated, criteria and data collection processes used, and results obtained in a novel, insightful way. Models used and data collected should be made publicly available.

  3. Position papers: Clearly describe a position or opinion on a relevant topic (see ‘Topics of Interest’) in an insightful way. Papers discussing challenges to the de-velopment of high-quality MBEEs and supporting documentation and how they could be mitigated or removed are particularly encouraged.

  4. Descriptions of MBEEs: Describe (1) which areas of engineering activities the MBEE supports in a given domain and (2) the strengths and weaknesses of the MBEE in the context of the domain.

Submitted papers should belong to one of these paper categories, depending on the nature of the contribution:

  • Full papers (10 pages) present novel innovative approaches.

  • Short papers (5 pages) present new ideas or early-stage research, extensively discuss the experiences of the submitters with an OpenMBEE approach or demonstrate a tool or technology (related to one of the workshop’s topics).

Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper in person.

All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages at any point in the process (including after the paper is accepted).

Submissions must adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions, which can be found at: IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

Submit your papers electronically via EasyChair

There will be joint workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library that include papers from all workshops.

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