View Editor User Guide: 2 Navigation and Viewing

View Editor User Guide: 2 Navigation and Viewing

Navigate To A Project

Orgs are a configuration-managed collection of projects.

Projects are collections of Documents and Views and their related elements. They correspond to SysML models.

  1. Login using credentials

Orgs are a configuration-managed collection of projects.

Projects are collections of Documents and Views and their related elements. They correspond to SysML models.


  1. Choose Org. and Project

  2. You are now in your selected project

  • You can still switch projects from the dropdown or switch org from the top navigation bar

  • Click arrow to expand the directory to view documents that exists on the currently selected project:

  • Groups are specified by a folder icon and used for document organization in View Editor.

Navigate To A Document

To return back to project navigation, use the document breadcrumbs: 

Documents are the key to interacting with the system model.


  1. If you are not already in the correct project, in the upper left, navigate to the project that contains the document.

  2. Select your document in the left pane. You can filter and expand the tree to find it.

  3. This opens the document's cover page, which describes the contents of the document

  4. Click on the document title or "Open Document" button on the center pane. Alternatively, double click on the document in the left pane

  5. To return back to project navigation, use the document breadcrumbs

Navigate Within A Document

Navigate in the Left Pane

  • Views are individual parts of a document. They can be specialized to have their own content and layout.

  • § Sections are subsections of Views. They are similar to views in the sense that they provide a specific amount of information, contain presentation elements, and can be cross referenced.

  • To filter by type and display tables , images, and equations in the tree, use the tree filter


View Modes

Toggle Full document/View mode in the upper left

  • In View mode, one view and its sections are shown at a time

    • Use the arrows in the upper right tool bar to navigate through views and sections.

  • In Full Document mode, the entire contents of a document are shown at once

For more information on adding, editing, and saving views, refer to Documents and Views.

For more information on Sections, see Add Presentation Elements.

Show Comments/Elements


View Editor Comments are hidden by default.

These comments are stored in the model as documentation of the view itself.
To hide the comments, click the dialog balloon again.

(See Add Presentation Elements for creating a comment, a type of presentation element.)

Branch/Tag (Version) Navigation

Use Branches/Tags menu to navigate to different versions of the selected project. More information can be found in Tasks & Tags.

  1. Go to the dropdown labeled "Branch" or "Tag" in the upper right


Select a branch or tag in the menu. This will load that version of your selected project

To navigate to the Branches/Tags manager:

  1. After opening the Branches/tags dropdown, click "the Manage Branches/Tags" button

  2. Here, you can

  • Navigate to project branches/tags

  • Create and delete branches/tags

  • View branch/tag metadata

From a high level perspective, View Editor Tasks are similar to Git branches. They create a separate workspace built upon a duplication of data at a specified time. View Editor Tags are "snapshots" of all the data on View Editor at specified times.

Live Update (STOMP)

View Editor provides real-time updates to Views using the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (STOMP) capability. This feature ensures modified contents are broadcasted to all users who accesses the same resources simultaneously


Users are alerted when:

  1. The current page that is being edited has been changed somewhere else

  2. There is a conflict between two saved elements

  3. The page that is about to be edited is out of date

This means that View Editor is constantly interacting with the Presentation Element editors so that it can automatically update content as well as notify users when there are live changes. The STOMP features assure users that changes will not be lost, nor accidentally overwritten, and that users will be fully aware of who else is editing at the time.


View Contents Outdated

  • You may occasionally come across the following pop-up message on the bottom right of your browser.

  • If you see this message, save the editor content in your local machine (i.e. copy & paste the content to your text editor, and store it), then refresh the page to load the latest version of the content in your browser.


  • The following scenario is an example of the sequence of events that would trigger such messages to pop-up:

    • user2 begins to edit 

    • user1 saves the document above exactly at the same time

    • the page user2 is currently viewing is now out of date (compared to what is stored on the server)


Global Search

        View Editor provides the user with the ability to run "global" searches. It allows searching for elements, views, docs, etc. on reference branch and its latest tags. The biggest component of the Search feature it that the user can see the properties of a searched element. A use can also navigate to the element and the Related Document. 


Version Control: Branches and Tags

Branches and Tags are used for project version control.

  • A branch is an editable copy of a project

  • A tag is a read-only snapshot of a project at a certain time

  • For element version documentation, please see Element History


  • From a high level perspective, View Editor branches are similar to Git branches.

  • They create a separate workspace built upon a duplication of data at a specified time.

  • A branch contains live data; however, the live data is a duplicated copy and therefore any changes made in the Branch do not affect the live data in the "master" branch

  • Branches are configured to be able to sync with Teamwork Branches of the same name. Refer to Branch Syncing for more information

  • View Editor Tags are "snapshots" of all the data on a View Editor project at specified times.

  • They are read-only

  • This offers users a chance to freeze data at specific and relevant times, including reviews and releases








View Editor branches are similar to Git branches. They create a separate workspace built upon a duplication of data at a specified time.


A Document is composed of Views, presentation elements, model elements, etc.


Groups/directories are composed of Documents.


Jobs are the unit of work executed by PMA. i.e. running a user defined analysis of a model

Org (Organization)

Orgs are a configuration-managed collection of projects.


Projects are used for granting special viewing/editing permissions


Sections are used for adding concrete organization to Views. They are similar to views in the sense that they provide a specific amount of information, are containers for presentation elements, and can be cross referenced.


Tags are snapshots of data that have been permanently captured with a unique timestamp. It is a read only element.


A version can refer to a working copy of a software, element history, model, document, view etc. at a specific point in time.


Views are individual parts of a full document. They can be specialized to have their own content and layout.

Presentation Element

It can be thought of as a small, labeled container that holds the information displayed in a view. It is a key component in the interaction between View Editor and the system model.


MMS is a version control system for structured data. It exposes model information through RESTful web services that can be used for CRUD operations, branching, and tagging of the model repository.

